Saturday, January 7, 2012

KUTOKA KWA JIRANI ZETU KENYA - Naibu Mwanasheria Mkuu Matatani

                                             Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza

Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza was involved in an exchange of words with the Village Market security guards on Saturday evening.
She had gone to Bella Dona pharmacy inside the Nakumatt Village Market on Saturday evening to purchase some drugs.
She walked past a female security officer without being screened and the lady followed her to the counter and informed her that she had to be screened.
The deputy CJ allegedly declined and proceeded to the counter to purchase some drugs
When she left the pharmacy, she confronted the guard and asked her why she treated her in such an offhand manner, but the guard allegedly told her off saying that she did not care who she was.
She had driven to the shopping mall after visiting her son in hospital. The confrontation took place as the driver was looking for a parking slot.
The following day at around 11am the guard, Rebecca Morara went to Gigiri police station and made a report claiming she had been threatened. Both Mrs Baraza and the officer have also recorded a statement with the Gigiri police.
Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza on Wednesday denied threatening a security guard with a gun during a scuffle in a Nairobi shopping mall.
Ms Baraza admitted that there was a confrontation with the Village Market guard, Ms Rebecca Kerubo, but denied the gun claim.
“I have never been issued with a gun,” Ms Baraza told the Nation.
Her denial came as Ms Kerubo spoke out about the encounter describing it as one of the most traumatising in her life.
The mother of three told the Nation that she had only worked at the Village Market, a shopping mall in Nairobi, for a month.
During that time, she said, she occasionally met difficult clients who refused to be screened but had never encountered one armed with a gun.
Most businesses have stepped up security measures because of the threat posed by Al-Shabaab, the Somali Islamist rebels who are under attack by the Kenya Defence Forces.
On Wednesday, the Village Market said in a statement that it regrets the negative publicity around the deputy CJ’s incident, but insisted that its security measures apply to all persons visiting the shopping mall without exception.
Judiciary’s Chief of Staff Duncan Okello said an official statement on the matter will be made Wednesday.
Police spokesman Eric Kiraithe confirmed that the incident was reported at Gigiri police station and an inquiry file opened.


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